Thursday, February 09, 2006

I Statements... for fun

I am not: dead. Yet.
I hurt: people accidentally because I’m not as empathetic as I’d like.
I love: fiercely. And possessively. It’s probably unhealthy.
I hate: trying to be patient for six months.
I fear: that after all the work to make a new life, I’ll be unhappy and alone.
I hope: that moving to MO is the best decision I’ve ever made.
I crave: someone to love me back just as fiercely.
I regret: not taking more chances. You only live once.
I cry: easily. It’s sometimes a very bad thing when you can’t stop them.
I care: about my friends. My job. Where I live. Money. Stupid things that shouldn’t matter.
I always: drink Dr Pepper.
I long: for a companion. Possibly of the canine persuasion.
I feel alone: at night. When I can’t sleep. And it’s dark. And I’m alone.
I listen: to you. Really, I do! … Huh?
I hide: eggs at Easter. Well, I could.
I cause: forest fires.
I sing: at work. It’s annoying to everyone.
I dance: badly.
I write: when I have a genius idea and get excited about it. So, hardly ever.
I breathe: in and out everyday. Continuously.
I play: with water in the shower. I like water.
I miss: my college girls.
I learn: rather quickly. It only took me 18 years to realize that I could stop going to school.
I feel: lonely a lot.
I know: many useless things.
I say: things in my head that I’d never say out loud.
I succeed: by accident and luck.
I fail: myself probably everyday. But I also forgive easily.
I dream: about three things – water, cars, and dogs.
I wonder: about many things. I have a pretty curious nature.
I want: to win the lotto. I should play the lotto.
I worry: about moving. Daily.
I wish: that I knew the start date of this new make-believe job I sorta have.
I have: much to be thankful for that’s taken for granted.
I give: myself to my friends.
I fight: hardly ever. That’s lots of energy. I’d rather be passive aggressive.
I wait: to hear from KC. Everyday. Wait wait wait.
I need: a social life.
I live: for the little things, but mostly laughter. We should all laugh everyday.

End Blog.

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