Thursday, June 01, 2006

Wise Millionaire Businessman

A businessman walks into a bank in Washington, DC and asks for the loan officer. He says he is going to Europe on business for two weeks and needs to borrow $5,000. The bank officer says the bank will need some kind of security for such a loan.

So the businessman hands over the keys to a Rolls Royce parked on the street in front of the bank. Everything checks out, and the bank agrees to accept the car as collateral for the loan. An employee drives the Rolls into the bank's underground garage and parks it there.

Two weeks later, the businessman returns, repays the $5,000 and the interest, which comes to $15.41.

The loan officer says, "We are very happy to have had your business, and this transaction has worked out very nicely, but we are a little puzzled. While you were away, we checked you out and found that you are a multimillionaire. What puzzles us is why would you bother to borrow $5,000?"

The businessman smiled and replied, "Where else in DC can I park my car for two weeks for only 15 bucks?"

What? I thought it was funny.

End Blog.


Anonymous said...

come on now I just read that joke today on my google joke of the day, at least give someone the credit....

Nikki said...

That's interesting. I don't have a google joke of the day set up on my account, so I certainly didn't get it from there. And, how do you credit a joke anyway? It's not like you know who makes them up. Besides, this is a blog. I did enough citing of resources in my 6 years of higher education.

I actually read it on a website ( last night and changed the city from SF to DC, and remembered how lucky I was to not have to spend $40 a week in parking fees any longer. And I wasn't even parking in the city.

Oh, and I still don't know who made the joke. Are you happy yet? Next time you tell I joke I'm gonna ask where it came from.

Who does that?