Tuesday, June 27, 2006

The Global Warming Sham

I'm not going to deny that global warming exists. I'm not going to deny that we're creating carbon dioxide and green house gases. But, what I am going to do is tell you that someone has yet to convince me that humans are the cause of it.

I'm a skeptic. Yes.

I do not claim to be an expert on this topic. What I do claim is that the public is being brainwashed into thinking things that may not be entirely true simply because they are not supplied with all of the information out there and forced to believe only the things presented to them. (I won't bring up the bird flu issue again.)

Indulge me in a little science talk for a few moments. (I feel like I haven't had a good science post scince early May.)

Our current climate has the same carbon dioxide levels and greenhouse gases as the Pliocene era (3-4 million years ago). However, during the Pliocene, the Earth was on average 3 degrees Celsius warmer, there were no polar ice caps, and sea levels were 25 meters higher. So, why is the Earth so cool today?

Surely, you say, this is where the whole global warming thing is coming from, right? Why, you ask, wouldn't I believe it's going to happen given these facts? Certainly we are headed for a big melting disaster and regressing to a climate much like the Pliocene!

Here's the thing though… the Pliocene had a constant El Niño ocean current which kept a warm surface layer of water in the Pacific Ocean. But we don't have that today. We have an alternating El Niño, La Niña current so the Pacific stays relatively cool. Therefore, we have polar ice. (In fact, almost all of the ocean's waters are near freezing, even those beneath the tropics.) So, the currents, the winds, some kind of thermodynamics (that's always been a fuzzy area for me)… they all play a part in global climate.

So, global climate change doesn't just depend on carbon dioxide levels. That's just it… it's GLOBAL. Land formation, ocean currents, water surface temperature, the tilt of the Earth, reflecting light from the surface of the planet, electromagnetism, carbon dioxide, greenhouse gases, ozone, wind, weather, clouds, atmosphere, the carbon cycle… all of this stuff plays a part in global climate.

I'm not convinced that people have that much of an effect. The climate was changing for thousands of years before we got here and it hasn't ever stopped. Humans have been through an ice age before. Did they cause it? I think not. The Earth is going to continue to evolve with or without us.

When you have different groups of scientists predicting both the melting of polar ice caps and the coming of the next ice age, it's hard to choose who to believe. Therefore… here's what I'm going with: It doesn't matter. Either way, if we helped set it in motion or not, we can't stop it. We can't stop tornadoes or earthquakes or hurricanes. We can't change ocean currents or winds. We can't control weather. Even if we could control carbon dioxide levels, none of us can control all the other factors, let alone the global climate as a whole.

So, shut up about it already.

Now, using up all of our non-renewable resources is a different problem altogether. That you're all allowed to work on. I motion that all geo-meteorological types (or whatever they're called) start working on problems other than predicting the coming climate change. All in favor?

End Blog.

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