Sunday, November 07, 2010

Gay Wedding Number Two: Troy and Adam

Clearly, the only reason to put anything on my blog anymore is when I have pictures! Troy and Adam got married back in October, but last night was their actual reception and they had a small ceremony at that time too.

I did a reading for them from Jayne Eyre, which I found out about when I arrived at the reception. (Clearly gay weddings are all just thrown together at the last minute. Like, holy crap, I can't believe that we're actually getting away with this!)

The other reading that they had was EXACTLY THE SAME ONE that I did at Bethany and Kerriann's wedding. Apparently the gay version of Corinthians 13:4 is Goodrich v. Department of Health by Massachusetts Supreme Court Justice Margaret H. Marshall.

The dress code was "dressy casual". Therefore, I wore jeans and a shirt and tie. I think that's exactly the definition of that term. Some people were more "dressy" and some were more "casual". So, like, I was supposed to be dressed as such! They told me I could wear jeans!

Here the "god parents" are with Belinda's daughter, Avery. It's nice that she came, considering that she's not even 2 weeks old.

Here I am with my "boyfriend", Troy - and Carolyn is with hers, Adam. It's nice that I'm still allowed to refer to him as such, seeing as how he's married now. I certainly do miss him at work - he recently got a different job and left me! He's lucky I still love him enough to read at his reception ceremony.

This is ABC - Ashley, Beth, and Carolyn. They lined up the wrong way for the photo, but I set them straight.

They're not crazy. The DJ played Thriller. Who doesn't love pretending to be a zombie at a gay wedding? No one. Okay, probably everyone except for these people because there weren't any other people on the dance floor, but that was mostly true all night. They were probably intimidated by our AWESOME dancing out there... There were interpretive dances to both Madonna's "Like a Prayer" and Cyndi Lauper's "True Colors".

This is me dancing with my other boyfriend, Tom.

Carolyn, Troy, and Tanya partying it up. We finally got other people on the dance floor at the end of the night.

Then, after the party, was the after party! I went out with some co-workers and hung out at Sol Cantina in Martini Corner... or something like that. I had a great time. Truly, I should really hang out with work people outside of work because they are super fun, and wouldn't you know, we have a lot in common! Shocking...

It was a great night. I woke up sore this morning from all the dancing.

Yay Gay!! Congratulations, guys!

End Blog.

1 comment:

mackyton said...

Happy for the couple! My sister also is thinking to have a small get together party before my wedding. Saw one of the affordable wedding venues NYC for the dinner. Mexican and Italian cuisines with variety drinks will be ordered. Cup cakes and cookies will be baked at home by super great mommy.